Contact Us

As both the designer and maker here at Hewn I am always eager to hear from users and how our products integrate into your life. Use the form to contact us for both the good and the bad. Or tag us on Instagram @hewndesign




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We work hard to maintain stock levels to allow quick delivery of the items you want. However one aim of Hewn is to keep over stock waste to a minimum, so often we make to order; In which case that will be stated on the product page. Orders for goods that are in stock normally ship the same day, or if on a holiday or weekend, the next business day. In the cases when we need to build something especially for an order, we will need a few days to get your item into the production workflow, built, and on its way. Made to Order items usually ship within 3 weeks of purchase. You can expect to receive an email when your order has been entered into our system with the expected shipping date and another when the package ships and is on the way to you. If you have any further questions please contact us.

All prices are shown in US Dollars. The cost of shipping will be added to your order total upon checkout. We normally ship domestic orders via USPS Priority Mail. Once we have shipped your order, we will send you an order confirmation and tracking number via email.

International orders are typically shipped via USPS Priority Mail International, with price determined by weight and region. Please contact us before placing your order so we may deterimine appropriate shipping amount.